Spring Awakening

The flowers are starting to bud, bloom, and blossom. The trees are beginning to grow green again. I can hear the birds outside my window— they’re chirping, tweeting, whistling, singing, screeching. Ahh, music to my ears. Spring must be here!

Wait, didn’t we have an April snowstorm? But anyway, back to sunny today. Oh, New England!

We hope that you’ve been able to get your vaccination by now! If not, we hope you’re able to schedule it soon. We’re very happy to let you know that all of our full-time staff have been fully vaccinated!

Despite the vaccine's successful distribution, we’re not relaxing on our safety measures. Distancing: yes. Masks: of course. Frequent sanitation: every chance we get.

As the world returns to normal, we hope you’re ready to return to the gym! We understand that many of you have had to put your fitness on pause during the pandemic. When you’re ready, we’re here to help you jump-start your routine.

Some of you haven’t missed a workout. You’ve stuck with us via virtual workouts, outdoor workouts, and maybe you’re even back in the gym now. We are so grateful for your support!

Hey- by the way! This month is voting for Rhode Island Monthly’s “Best of Rhode Island” polls! It would mean the world to us if you voted for us. If you like what we do and want to vote here’s what you do: Go to rimonthly.com/vote and type in “Body Soul Training” under Providence’s fitness classes.

We’ve won Best of RI for six years! With your help, we could have number seven!

If you’re ready to start training—either in the gym or virtual— reach out to us today at info@BodySoulTraining.com. We can’t wait to hear from you!


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