New Year, Better You!

With the first of February quickly approaching, we want to ask you a simple question–have you stuck to your New Year’s resolutions? As every new year approaches, it seems as though we’re constantly being told, “new year, new you!” Sure, it makes sense…to an extent. The first day of the year marks the first page of a 365-day book filled with endless opportunities and possibilities. However, what about all those other 365 pages of books you filled over the years? Don’t those count for something? If you haven’t been as dedicated to your resolution as you promised you’d be in the beginning of the year, that’s okay!

The beginning of a new year marks the time for rebirth and (what seems like) the chance to start over. It’s viewed as a clean slate. People take this opportunity to reflect, but a big mistake many of us make during this reflection is we come to the realization that we’re not good enough. It’s easy to feed into what the media tells society–“new year, new you!”–and even easier to convince yourself that the only way this year is going to be better than the last is if you become someone new. However, as the year progresses, you find that you begin to fall short on your resolutions. You become discouraged that our seemingly foolproof plans to transform into a “new you” are diminishing. You start to feel disheartened by our inability to follow through with something. Although this type of behavior is common, it isn’t very healthy. So, it’s important to make that shift—one that you can apply to the years ahead. With that said, instead of working towards a resolution that is geared towards becoming a “new you” in 2016, we want you to discover a BETTER you this year.

With this year’s 365 unwritten pages, fill the book with positive affirmations. Fill it by doing things that will feed the soul. Fill the book with intentions rather than resolutions. The best way to live this life is to carry out your most authentic self. And, by doing so, we must remember to appreciate who we are and what we’ve become every single day. The more we learn to appreciate our mind, body, and soul and all that we’ve accomplished in our lifetime, the sooner we can discover an even better version of ourselves. And, the sooner you discover a better you, the sooner you can live a better life.

Friends, before you go, let us ask you this. Why would you want to be a new version of yourself? Was last year’s you not good enough? We all work incredibly hard to be the best we can be all year long, and the new year should be about celebrating that! This year, let’s continue to challenge ourselves, believe that we are capable of even the toughest hurdles, and, most importantly, love the person we’ve become over the years.


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