13 Simple Tips and Tricks to Lift Your Spirits This Spring

Daylight Savings Time can take a toll on our bodies. On one hand, it can throw off our sleeping schedules causing exhaustion to kick in, which also makes it difficult to shake the winter blues. But, on the other hand, Daylight Savings Time means we spring ahead to springtime. If you’re one of those people feeling bogged down from the doldrums of winter, these simple tips and tricks will get you in a spring state of mind in no time!

Clean your closet. Get rid of the clothes you don’t need. Organize your shelves. And, if you’re feeling extra ambitious, color code your clothes so that items can be much easier to find. You’ll be surprised at how much better a clean closet makes you feel.

Step outside for fresh air. Spending some one-on-one time with nature will do your soul good.

Pick up the phone. Call an old friend, someone who is guaranteed to lift your spirits.

Pamper yourself. Maybe you want a massage or maybe you want a fresh manicure. Whatever it may be, do what you feel will be the most relaxing and revitalizing.

Start your spring cleaning. Open those windows, let the air circulate through the house, and grab your cleaning products. It’s time to get rid of the old winter dirtiness and bring in the new spring cleanliness.

Set goals. Wake up every morning to an agenda that will help you reach them. It will keep your mind focused, and you’ll soon fall into a new routine.

Meditate. And, if the weather is nice, do it outside underneath the warm sun. You’ll feel better in no time.

Go for a drive. You know the first semi-warm day in March when it feels like winter finally gave up? That’s the day to hop in your car, roll down your windows, and drive with the music blasting. We promise it’s so refreshing.

Exercise outside. The flowers and trees are beginning to bloom, so why not go for a walk to take it all in?

Buy flowers. Daffodils and tulips are a great way to liven up your house and are a great reminder that spring is right around the corner.

Listen to the birds chirping outside of your window. Instead of hopping out of bed immediately, take a minute to listen to the sounds we’ve been missing for the last 6 months while the morning sun is peaking through the shade.

Get your garden ready. Nothing like fresh fruits and vegetables during the spring and summer months!

Rejoice! You made it through this awful winter, now it’s time to celebrate spring and all its beauty!


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