Fit Tips during the Holiday Hype

December 1st typically marks the beginning of holiday hype and all the chaos it brings. And, for many of us, that usually means falling short on our exercise regimens. We become busy, overeat at holiday parties, then wind up feeling regretful and sluggish by the new year due to poor healthy living habits. However, the holiday season doesn’t have to be about over indulging on food and throwing away all that hard work you’ve been putting into your fitness routine. You can enjoy this time of year while staying fit and healthy. Here’s a few tips to put you in the right direction!

1. Schedule workouts.

Once December 1st arrives, our schedules go from 0 to 60 pretty quickly. Between the shopping, the parties, and the every day life happenings prior to the holiday season, it’s easy to put off activities like going to the gym by making excuses. Instead of conjuring up all the reasons why you can’t make it to the gym that day, take that time to make schedule. Just like making doctors appointments, set aside some time a few days a week dedicated to exercising. This will help you stay on track.

2. Be mindful of what you’re eating.

We bet you’ve heard this phrase a time or two… “Just say no!” Before reaching for a Christmas cookie, before taking a sip of eggnog, and before consuming anything that isn’t healthy for you, just take a moment to stop and consider how many of this food item you have already had this week. We’re not saying to give up on these things altogether, but being more mindful will help you stay on track!

3. Stock up on the good stuff.

As we previously mentioned, our lives become super hectic at this time of year. Instead of grabbing fast food for dinner, save some time (and your body) by stocking your freezer with healthy meal options. This time of year is all about seeing loved ones and celebrating the season, and with healthy freezer food choices you can quickly and easily whip up, you’ll have all the time in the world to do just that.

4. Be a social butterfly.

You know what is zero calories and boosts your mood? Conversation, of course. Instead of trying all the hors o’deuvres and sampling every platter that comes your way, socialize! Get up and move about the party you’re at- not only will you mingle but you’ll also burn some calories while standing, too. This is what we call a win-win!

5. Never go to a party on an empty stomach.

Now that’s just dangerous.

Need some extra guidance during the holiday season? Give us a call at 401-714-7324.


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