Introducing the Stationary Lunge

For this week’s blog post, we’d like to discuss an exercise that not only do we love, but one that can be done just about anywhere and by anyone. Meet the stationary lunge. The stationary lunge is an exercise that focuses on strengthening the lower parts of our bodies. Anything from glutes to quadriceps can be improved and strengthened by doing the stationary lunge. So, why do we love it so much? Scroll down to find out more.

You can ‘lunge’ it wherever, whenever!

Our favorite part about the stationary lunge is that it can literally be done at any point and in any place we choose. Stationary lunges are highly effective for those who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and make for a perfect exercise in your office. Not in an office all day? Try doing a few lunges during the commercials of your favorite TV show or while you wait for that load of laundry to finish. The beauty of a stationary lunge is that it doesn’t require any equipment, so there really isn’t any excuse not to do it. What are you waiting for?

It strengthens your core.

You might be thinking that you’re only exercising your lower muscles while doing so, but think again. The stationary lunge is also working at strengthening your core muscles. Why is that? Well, balancing plays an important role here in this exercise. Without proper balance, you could find yourself in poor form which could eventually lead to injury. Your back and your abdominal must work in accordance with your lower extremities to give the best results from this exercise. Stability and posture is key with this exercise, and it’s like you’re killing two birds with one stone!

Did we mention balancing?

Like squats, stationary lunges are great for strength training. Unlike squats, however, this exercise also improves your balance and coordination due to something known as unilateral training. Instead of training both sides of your body (as you would do in squats), you’re only using one leg at a time to lunge which is completely independent from your other leg; hence, the term unilateral. This allows your body to develop more balance and coordination. And, as previously mentioned, this type of focus also aides in improving your core muscles. Let’s not forget the importance of excellent posture!

It is the foundation for many other types of lunges.

Think of the stationary lunge as the beginning, or the basis, of many different kinds of lunges. Once mastered, you can begin to learn how various forms of lunges can have different positive effects on your body. From walking lunges to curtsey lunges and so many in between, there is a whole world of lunges out there that you have yet to discover. However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. For now, focus on the proper way to do a stationary lunge and bask in all of its greatness. We promise you it’s worth it.

Tell us, why do you lunge?



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