Spring Fever

Living in New England, we bet everyone can agree that these last few weeks have been completely brutal. Between the snow and the bitterness in the air that feels like a smack in the face as soon as you walk outside, we have all basically had enough of this winter. But, hey, who could blame us? And, when was the last time we even saw grass? Although Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on Groundhog Day, there is actually a silver lining to be found as this month is coming to a close.

If you’re thinking that silver lining is spring, then we must be on the same page! As we say “sayonara” to February, we are welcoming the most wonderful time of year ahead. The clocks spring forward which means more daylight, the snow begins to melt, and then, finally, spring is awaiting us at the end of the month. It is the time for renew and rebirth, for sunshine and happiness, and for health and wellness. It is a time to celebrate. As we’re itching for the warmer days that seem so close and, yet, so far, here are four reasons why we can’t get enough of this time of year.

1. Good day, sunshine

There’s no better feeling than warm rays of sunshine hitting your skin after a long, frigid winter. Who’s with us? With warmer and sunnier days, we have the opportunity to step outside and get our daily dose of vitamin D that our bodies have been longing for for the past few months. Although many don’t realize this, a lack of vitamin D can cause brittle bones and impair muscles and immunities, so the sunshine that spring brings is exactly what the doctor ordered. Say goodbye to the winter blues and hello to the happier days that we so desperately need.

2. Fruits and vegetables galore

Spring is the time to hit up the best farmers’ markets in town for locally grown and fresh produce. It’s no question that this time of year has the most delicious fruits and vegetables available at our fingertips. At this time of year, the best and healthiest fruits and vegetables are at their peak, and we are so ready to take advantage of that.



3. Quality time with Mother Nature

The winter has kept us indoors for far too long, and with spring like days ahead, it’s time to finally spend some quality time with Mother Nature. Go outside, take a deep breath, and soak in the sunshine and warmth this time of year brings. Make up for lost time indoors and explore Mother Nature and all of her beauty. Go for a run. Go for a walk. Practice yoga on the grass. Meditate under the sun. There are so many ways to utilize these beautiful days which makes spring such a perfect time of year.

4. Spring cleaning

De-cluttering your home also de-clutters your life. So, open the windows let the breeze sweep in and get rid of anything that is of excess in your life. By getting rid of the grime and dust that exists in your environment, your bodies will be able to better handle seasonal allergies and ward off spring colds. Plus, cleaning can help burn some calories, too! 😉


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